sabato 19 novembre 2011

The strange thing about the Johnsons

I love the Internet! I must admit it! As the TV (almost) killed the radio, the Internet is going to kill the TV!
The obvious question is : Who's gonna kill the Internet ? I hope this someone won't show up early because Internet is such a great thing!
While I was checking one of my favourites sites in search of some hot songs or some dope videos (Talkin 'bout Hip Hop,namsayin?), I found something that had nothing to do with the aforementioned musical genre...
It turned out to be the strangest thing I've ever seen,no joke inended.
I'm serious guys and I want you to see it. But I warn you....If you're less than 16 y.o. you shouldn't watch this.
Even if nowadays kids are smarter than we think, I don't want 'em to grow faster than they should.
You are just a click away from the weirdest stuff I've ever seen!
Have a good look :

2 commenti:

  1. Oh,I'm sorry I didn't notice it because I wasn't required to give a password.I Will post a new link ASAP!:)
